If you're searching the internet for a 'locksmith near me' or local locksmith' Don't look any further, Locks4less locksmiths limited are rated excellent on Google and Trustpilot better still we have many years of experience dealing with a whole range of lock problems in and around Essex.
During busy periods we may need to pass you to one of our fellow hand picked locksmiths who we network with. If you require fast assistance we trust them to deliver the same high standards of service at all times but if they fall short or you have any complaints please let us know ASAP.
We are a small local locksmiths servicing Chelmsford offering local locksmith services. We are not a call Centre or franchise, when you call you will speak to Arthur the locksmith direct. For great value local rates.
Call now Freephone
0800 542 9995 or 01245 860051.